We gratefully received the following feedback:
“Just a few words to say how very much I enjoyed the Society’s performance of’Messiah’ and to congratulate all the members who took part…It was a magnificent event!”
“It was such a happy occasion. The soloists and choir sang with great clarity and sensitivity. I felt proud and privileged to be in attendance.”
“What a truly lovely evening the members of Chesterton Choral Society entertained us to… over the years, the choir has given great pleasure to its audiences and provided great enjoyment for its members. Long may that continue.”
Poster for the concert
And the following photos, courtesy of Andy & Lian Na Rose:
String Quartet (L-R): Annette Armitage, Fiona Ryder, Amy Weatherup, Joanna Blakeman
Oliver King, our guest organist
Cutting the commemorative cake: Don Flory (President) and Christine Sansom (Vice President), with Andrew Wilson (Chairman)
Sharing refreshments and memories after the concert